Christmas is over and New Year’s has passed. It is time to take down all of the Christmas decor.
It is tradition to take your tree down on New Year’s day, but I know a lot of people that start the day after Christmas. I just didn’t have that kind of energy this holiday season. I worked too hard all year and needed the extra days to recharge/watch a lot of Netflix/live in my pajamas.
Packing away all the Christmas decor had been on my list since New Years. Come Saturday evening, it was finally time to get it done.

Despite my best efforts to be careful with some of the beautiful new ornaments I bought this year, I still managed to break one.
Also take note of the amount of needles on my floor. This is a faux tree. I bought a faux tree so I didn’t have to water it or clean up needles. Apparently I bought the wrong tree because a ton of needles fell off. The worst part is that I am going to be finding needles all year. I think there are these Christmas tree elves that live in my closet that scatter them about at random times of the year just to keep me on my toes.
Here is a view of the room as I was taking all of the Christmas decor down. I made one heck of a mess during the process. The mess was so frightening that even my dogs didn’t want to hang out with me while I worked.

Here is a shot of the room with the dust barrier my contractor put up at the end of last week. We are at the beginning of the next phase of our remodel and it is starting to feel real. I have been waiting for this day for so long!
If you look really hard, you can see the pile of tools my contractor has left in the dining room. The house is a little chaotic, but the Christmas decor is put away!

When was the last time you cleaned your silverware drawer? I haven’t cleaned mine out for a loooong time. Too long, by the looks of the before photos.

We had crumbs everywhere! And, for some reason we had about 50 packages of Taco Bell hot sauce.

We even had collected a number of items we no longer use. These items immediately went into the trash.
I started the process by taking EVERYTHING out of the drawer.

Next, I went through everything that was in the drawer. I gave everything a nice cleaning. Everything I no longer wanted/needed, we tossed in the garbage. It felt so freeing and the entire process only took about 20 minutes.

The next step was to put everything back in the drawer, but in a neat and orderly fashion.

The end result was pretty nice. The drawer is no longer cluttered and I can find all of my serving spoons.

I now challenge you to clean your silverware drawer.
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[…] along? You can see all of the challenges on the Weekly Cleaning Challenge page as well as the Week 1 | Clean Your Silverware Drawer post. Let’s get to the […]