Last Thursday the husband and I traveled to Miami for a conference. It is an annual summit that the company I work for puts on and it was wonderful! We got to travel to Miami for a long weekend get-away. There was a little work and a lot of fun.

We stayed at the Grand Beach Hotel on Miami Beach. The rooms where light and bright. Our room had a view of the Intracoastal Waterway and the beautiful homes on Millionaire’s Row.

Here is a view of the hallway outside our room. It was just as beautiful and inviting as our room.

We got the opportunity to explore Miami on Saturday. The husband and I stopped over at the Institute of Contemporary Art.

We enjoyed the exhibits of Sterling Ruby. If you are going to be in Miami between now and February 2nd, I highly recommend stopping in.
This is the Maybelline Wet Shine Cherry Rain series created in 2006. It is nail polish on paper. Nail polish!

This is the SCXV3ST/BD, created in 2012. It has an odd name, but it looks awesome.

This next piece is titled Alabaster SR10-16 and it was created in 2010. It, too, has an odd name. However, it looks really cool close up. I love the soothing color scheme. This is not typically my type of art, but I could actually picture having this in my home!

This is the Mamba Negra by Odili Donald Odita. I believe that this is a permanent exhibit at the museum. It consists of brightly colored triangles on a wall that spans 45 feet. It is so pretty in all of the natural light from the large museum windows.

This exhibit spans 3 floors. Here is a shot of the painting between the 2nd and 3rd floors.

After we left the museum, we explored the design district…and we came across this wall. We got a good chuckle when we saw this installation.

Also unique to the design district are the pink beasts. You can find them hanging about from the trees. They are cute and whimsical.

We had so much fun on our little get-away. The only thing I ran into an issue with was motion sickness. Before our plane landed, it hit a few pockets of rough air and I got really sick. I had to stay in bed all afternoon Thursday. I felt to awful!

Friday night we joined my co-workers on a dinner cruise. The cruise was so beautiful. However, as soon as the boat left the Intracoastal Waterway I started to feel bad all over again. I got dizzy, nauseous, and sweaty. It wasn’t a good look in front of my co-workers I only get to see once a year.
A few friends, as well as some of the ship’s staff, pulled me aside and gave me some great advice on how to manage motion sickness.
- Don’t wait until you feel sick to take medicine. Once you feel sick, it is too late for Dramamine or an anti-nausea motion sickness patch. You have to be proactive for these to work well.
- Get in touch with your pressure points. Your wrists have pressure points about an inch below where your hand meets with your arm. Press there in 15 second intervals or use pressure point devices.
- If you are already feeling woozy, grab a cool towel, place it on your neck, and look out to the horizon. The cool towel will help to bring your blood pressure down, therefore cooling your body. Looking out to the horizon will allow your eyes to relay the same movement cues as the vestibules of your inner ear, making you feel less out of balance.
- Choose the right seat. I sat next to an airline pilot on my flight home today. He highly recommended that I sit in the middle of the plane when flying. The middle of an airplane, over the wing, is the calmest area of an airplane.
- Use affirmative self-talk. Simply telling yourself that you are not going to get sick can be effective in preventing seasickness. Take a few deep breaths, remain calm, and feel confident that you are going to be okay.
The husband and I have made it back home safely. Tomorrow we will take my mother-in-law to the airport. I am going to be sad to see her go as she is such a great house guest. I think my dogs are going to miss her even more as she not so discretely feeds them treats all day when she visits.