Cleaning Weekly Cleaning Challenge

Weekly Cleaning Challenge | Clean Your Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans: machines that help to keep us cool during warm months and provide a gentle hum to help guide us to sleep at night.  Also known as eyesores of decor.  They may be practical and necessary, but pretty they are not.  They look even worse when they have dust flinging off of them as you are trying to sleep.  For this week’s cleaning challenge, I am challenging you to clean your ceiling fans.



If you have ceiling fans, you have probably let them go a little too long between dusting once or twice.  You may have noticed that the dust piles up in thick lines on the edge of each blade.  If you aren’t careful when removing the dust from the blades, it gets on your comforter or your clothes, and then leaves a mark.  I have had instances where I have cleaned my ceiling fan blades only to get the dust all over my bed.  What I thought was going to be a five minute dusting turned into quite an endeavor; due to being a little sloppy, I now had a few new things I had to clean.  Avoid my mistakes with these helpful hints:

  1. Dust your ceiling fan blades just before washing your sheets.  If you happen to get a bit of dust on your bedding, you were about to wash it anyway.
  2. Cover the blade with an old pillowcase.  Lightly wrap the pillowcase over the blade and use it to gently pull the dust off the first blade.  Repeat until you have fully wiped down each blade. When done, take the pillowcase outside and shake it out.  Launder as normal.
  3. Wipe each cleaned blade with a dryer sheet to help repel future dust.
  4. Don’t forget the light bulbs. Gently wipe away dust with a paintbrush.
  5. To clean the motor, spray motor housing with compressed air to remove interior dust.
  6. For fans with glass globe or shades, remove each piece. Wash in warm, soapy water. Rinse and dry completely before replacing.

After you have finished, treat yourself to a glass of wine and a great movie on the couch.  You earned it!

Like this week’s cleaning challenge?  Want to see more?  Check out the weekly cleaning challenge page!