It is the end of week four and our master bedroom is looking beautiful! I am so excited to show you the progress this week.

For those of you that are new to The Organized Wife, I am renovating my master bedroom during a six week challenge called The One Room Challenge. During this time, I am challenging myself to renovating my master bedroom while sharing the project progress each week.
We accomplished quiet a few items this week. The first thing we did this week was to pick up new throw pillows. I was originally planning to purchase this set from Serena and Lilly.

I was in love with the navy fringe pillow until I found these corduroy beauties from HomeGoods. They are so lovely and a fraction of the cost.

I also found this beautiful throw blanket at Home Goods. It is soft and looks pretty at the end of our bed.

Last week we picked up our new duvet cover. It is a white, linen duvet cover from West Elm. I washed it on Friday in a gentle cycle with Woolite. After it was clean, we put it on our bed. It is so soft. My husband commented that our room is beginning to look like a really nice hotel.

The biggest change in our room this week are the curtains! This is the first time with curtains in our master bedroom. They are such pretty.

The last thing we did this week was to order the artwork for the walls. My original design plan included this print from The husband asked to use his veto power on this piece. I laughed because who gave him veto power?

I found something that I am really excited about. It will be delivered the day of the final reveal. I know it is cutting it close, but it is going to be lovely.
The second art piece I was planning for the space, the “I am great in bed” sign for above the headboard, has also been ordered. I created it in Photoshop. Next I sent the image to a company that prints photos onto canvas. I am having them frame the canvas, so it is expected to come out quite nicely. It is going to be a funny piece in our otherwise serious home.


There are two more weeks until the the final reveal. The following part of the project have been completed:
Week 1 – Schedule the cable company to come out and install a new cable line. Order the dresser and night stands as they are on sale.
Week 2 – Make room for the night stands in other parts of the house. Update the furniture configuration.
Week 3 – Pick up new bedding.
Week 4 – Touch up the paint on the window frame, hang the new drapery rod, hang the new curtains. Order sign for over the bed.
The remaining project plan by week is as follows:
This week – Install new ceiling fan and paint television stand to match the dresser.
Week 6 – Add remaining decorative elements and make the bed.
Want to see more? Check out the other guest participants here and the One Room Challenge Featured Designers below.

At Home With Ashley | Casey Keasler | Dorsey Designs | The Farmhouse Project | Home Made by Carmona | House of Funk | House of Jade Interiors | House Seven Design | House That Lars Built | Inspired by Charm | Jana Bek | Jessica Brigham | Kelly Golightly | Murphy Deesign | The Pink Pagoda | Sarah Gunn | Sherry Hart Designs | Sugar & Cloth | Veronica Solomon | Vintage Revivals