Live Simply

Blooming Flowers + My Nature Walk

Can you believe that we are only days away from spring?  I remember being excited for the Christmas holiday and approaching winter.  I wasn’t nearly as excited for the cold weather as I was for the excuse to pull out my Christmas decor.  As the months ticked along, we got a little snow and the weather grew brutally cold.  The husband and I bundled up in the house, not wanting to venture out due to the freezing temperatures that seemed to never end.

Now all of the Christmas decor has been put away.  Winter is finally winding down.  I have started to think about what changes I would like to make to my decor in order to liven stuff up around the house.  Easter candy is now lining the shelves at the grocery store.  The weather outside is starting to feel very inviting.

The weather in Atlanta this weekend was just beautiful; the sky was a bright shade of blue. The temperature outside was about 70 degrees. The weather was so nice that I decided to go for a long walk…and I brought my camera with me.  It was nice to get out of the house without a coat and scarf.  It was nice to not have to worry about my gloves or a hat.

I live in a very hilly part of town.  Although, I think that anyone that lives in the vicinity of Atlanta could describe their part of town as hilly.  I am not sure what is with the ebbs and flows, but some hills are incredibly steep.  I set out of the house on foot with my camera, hoping to get some shots of the beautiful views in my neighborhood.  I slowly walked the steep inclines and enjoyed a fast-paced walk on the down hills.  Although the walk was a bit strenuous at times, I never felt hot as there was a cool breeze.

I got to enjoy about an hour of fresh air and slow exercise. It was nice to take about an hour to do something I enjoy doing as opposed to dealing with a long to-do list.  I wasn’t rushed; I could take as long as I wanted.  Today I am sharing some shots I got with my camera during my adventure. Enjoy!